
生基旺风水, 平门出贵子

风水大师许少锋 白龙王 2021-06-19

Shengji fengshui makes ordinary families to more outstanding children


People often use the term "unfavorable sons" to describe the descendants of ordinary people who have achieved certain achievements through their own efforts, and thus have a higher social status. Because the material and cultural conditions of ordinary people are far from that of wealthy families, it is extremely difficult to "get your sons out of the poor". If you want to "get your sons out of the poor," there are now many high-rise buildings in the city. Find a suitable one Feng shui of the building is not an easy task.

So White Dragon King Master Co suggests finding an ideal feng shui place and using Shengji to quickly promote the prosperity of his children. So, what kind of SHENGJI place can help you get your son?




1. Surrounded by mountains and water

Good feng shui needs to "store the wind and gather air", and "the air is scattered by the wind, and the boundary water is stopped". If the shengji area is surrounded by hills and currents, the hills block the cold wind from the north. , The flow of water gathers the vitality of the earth, which belongs to the best pattern of Tibetan wind and gathering air. In modern cities, the upper air vents of the real estate are blocked by tall buildings, and the lower air vents have natural or man-made water flow, which also belongs to the pattern of wealth for descendants.



左青龙,右白虎, 是风水学中最常用的口诀之一,它们代表了生基主人的左右侍从。只有达官显贵、富豪人家才会拥有侍从,如果所处的生基风水地,左有青龙右有白虎, 二象俱全,子孙必然富贵。所谓的藏龙卧虎,是指左右的山丘或建筑物高矮适当,既不高压遮挡也不低矮无力,这样的格局代表了官运通达。

2. Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger

Left Qinglong and Right White Tiger are one of the most commonly used formulas in Feng Shui. They represent the left and right attendants of the owner of Shengji. Only high-ranking officials and wealthy people will have attendants. If you are in a place of feng shui, there is a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, and the two elephants are complete, and the descendants are bound to be rich. The so-called Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger means that the hills or buildings on the left and right are appropriately high and low, neither high-pressure shelter nor low or weak. This pattern represents the accessibility of official transportation.





 “明堂”本是古代皇帝接受群臣朝拜的地方,在风水上引申为宅前的空地。《葬经翼》中说:“明堂,穴前众水聚处”,由于“水”代表了财运,地前有众多代表财运的水来朝拜,形成“众水归堂”,家中必然富贵。除了生基, 在现代住宅,楼盘的前面开阔,视野可及的范围内有天然的河湖,或者有灵动的人造水景,也意味着富贵人家。

3. All waters gather

Mingtang refers to the place where many waters gather and vitality gathers in front of Shengji cave surrounded by mountains "Mingtang" was originally the place where the ancient emperors accepted the worship of the courtiers. "The Burial Sutra Wing" says: "Mingtang, where all water gather in front of the acupuncture point." Because "water" represents the fortune of wealth, there are many water representing the fortune of wealth in front of the earth to worship, forming "all water return to the hall", and the family must be rich and noble. In addition to Shengji, in the modern residence, the front of the real estate is wide open, and there are natural rivers and lakes within the range of vision, or there are smart man-made waterscapes, which also means rich residence..




不管是古代还是现今,读书考试是“寒门出贵子”的重要途径,所以家宅文运昌盛也会使子孙显贵。过去文人、官员会朝拜文昌帝君,以祈求文运畅达,官运亨通,而天上的文昌星在家宅或生基地的投影位置为风水上的“文昌位”。在文昌位上种生基, 或将家中的“文昌位”布置好,也能催旺子孙的文运,使他们学习成绩优异,日后事业发达。


4. Wenchang position layout

Whether in ancient times or in the present, studying and taking exams is an important way to "get out of noble children", so the prosperity of the family house will also make the descendants noble. In the past, literati and officials would worship Emperor Wenchang in order to pray for smooth cultural and official luck, and the projection of Wenchang star in the sky on his home or birth base was the "Wenchang Position" on Fengshui. Planting a foundation in Wenchang, or arranging the "Wenchang" at home, can also promote the cultural development of children and grandchildren, so that they will have excellent academic performance and prosper in the future. 

Today's Feng Shui knowledge is explained here for everyone! If you have any questions about Shengji or house Fengshui, You can call White Dragon King Master co's office0592-5021408 or wechat 13599222408.









    旧事照片:埃德加.盖洛《中国长城》 1909年 影集
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